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학과 특별 심포지움- Microbe-Host Interactions

생명과학과 2014-10-08

세미나 장소 : J311
세미나 일시 : 2014.10.13.

생명과학과 특별 심포지움 - Microbe-Host Interactions

3:20   Greetings (Department Head, Dept. Life Sci., Sogang Univ.)

3:30   Kun-Soo Kim (Sogang Univ., Korea). A Novel Virulence Factor in Vibrio vulnificus: Secreted Insulin-Degrading Enzyme 

4:00   Lien-I Hor (Nat'l Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan). RTX toxin, the major cytotoxin of Vibrio vulnificus, promotes bacterial survival in the host by inhibiting phagocytosis

4:30   Gap Ryol Lee (Sogang Univ., Korea). Cyclo(Phe-Pro) produced by Vibrio vulnificus inhibits host innate immune response

5:00   Steven R. Blanke (Univ. Illinois, USA). Rewiring the Epithelial Barrier: Lessons in Infection Persistence from the Chronic Gastric Pathogen Helicobacter pylori

5:30   Discussion