
유능하고 창의적이며 투철한 가치관을 지닌 과학 인력 교육 목표


BK 초청세미나 (Valdosta State University, 강종훈교수)

생명과학과 2012-05-16
세미나 장소 : J219
세미나 일시 : 2012.05.22. (17:00)
세미나 발표자 : Valdosta State University, 강종훈교수

Thermodynamic Analysis of Immune Reactions

Thermodynamics is a field of physics that studies energy and its transformation. Since the beginning of the subject thermodynamics has contributed to diverse natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, and biology as well as to engineering. In this presentation I will introduce the basic principles of thermodynamics from the perspective of biology including equilibrium constant, Gibbs free energy, enthalpy, and entropy. In the second part I will present my recent research on enthalpy-entropy compensation in immune reactions.