
유능하고 창의적이며 투철한 가치관을 지닌 과학 인력 교육 목표


BK 초청세미나 (성균관대, 김홍태교수)

생명과학과 2011-11-23
세미나 장소 : J311
세미나 일시 : 2011.12.01. (16:30)
세미나 발표자 : 성균관대, 김홍태교수.

The importance of RAP80 in DNA damage response pathway
Receptor Associated Protein 80 (RAP80) has critical roles in the DNA damage G2/M cell cycle checkpoint pathway. Here, we identify a novel function of the RAP80 protein in cell cycle progression.
We also identify cyclin dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) as a new RAP80 binding protein, and demonstrate that the cyclin B1-Cdk1 complex phosphorylates the Ser677 residue of RAP80 using an in vitro
kinase assay and a phosphopeptide-specific antibody to the RAP80 Ser677 residue. Ser677 phosphorylation affects RAP80 stability during mitosis, which is dependent on the cell-division cycle protein 20
(Cdc20) in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. In addition, mutation of the Ser677 residue to alanine delays the mitotic phase and sensitizes the cells to ionizing radiation compared to wild type-expressing HeLa cells.
Together, these results suggest that Cdk1 phosphorylation of the RAP80 Ser677 residue may be important for RAP80 functions in mitotic progression and sensitivity to ionizing radiation.