BK 초청세미나 (서울대학교 보건대학원, 김성균교수)
세미나 일시 : 2011.06.16. (16:30)
세미나 발표자 : 서울대학교 보건대학원, 김성균교수
Introduction to Exposure Biology
Exposure biology is an emerging branch of exposure science. The terminology was originated from 'exposure biology program', a novel research area supported by US NIEHS, of which objectives were to develop new methodology of environmental exposure and to explore causal association between the health effects and environmental toxicants in human populations. While there have been spectacular improvements in genomics and biomedical sciences, we still have many knowledge gaps in etiologies and mechanisms of environmental cancers and diseases. In spite of the dramatic advances in genomic analysis, lack of accurate information on exposure to environmental toxic compounds impedes understanding those etiology and gene-environmental interactions. Recently, early products of the exposure biology program can be found in exposome, adductomics, biosensors, system biology, etc. The present lecture was prepared as an introduction to the concept of exposure biology and some application studies to encourage young biologists to apply their expertise for public health.