
유능하고 창의적이며 투철한 가치관을 지닌 과학 인력 교육 목표


  • 연구실세포분화연구실 (Cell Differentiation Laboratory)
  • 전공유전자 발현조절, 발생생물학
  • 사무실 R213A
  • 전화02-705-8455
  • 이메일bgju@sogang.ac.kr
  • 홈페이지http://sgcdl.sogang.ac.kr

학력 및 경력

1987.3-1991.2 서강대학교 생명과학과 학사
1991.3-1993.2 서강대학교 생명과학과 석사
1993.3-1998.2 서강대학교 생명과학과 박사
1998.3-2000.4 서울대학교 유전공학연구소 Research Associate
2000.5-2005.5 University of California, San Diego (HHMI) Postdoctoral Fellow
2005.6-2008.2 University of California, San Diego (HHMI) Assistant Project Scientist 
2008.3-2013.2 서강대학교 자연과학부 생명과학과 조교수
2013.3-2018.2.서강대학교 자연과학부 생명과학과 부교수

2018.3-현재.    서강대학교 자연과학부 생명과학과 정교수
2008.3-현재 이사
2008.3-2012.12 재무간서
2013.8-현재 영문학회지 (Genes and Genomics) 부편집장
2008.2-현재 이사
2012.1-2013.1 총무간사
2010.1-현쟈 이사
2011.1-2011-12 선거위원회 위원


·  일반생물학

·  분자유전학


세포는 항상 세포내·외로부터 유래한 다양한 손상원에 의해 생존의 위험을 받고 있으며 경미한 손상의 경우, 세포가 가지고 있는 정교한 기작을 통해 손상을 복구하지만 심각한 경우에는 세포 기능 상실, 발암, 노화 및 사멸을 초래한다. 본 연구실에서는 산화 스트레스, DNA 손상, 척수 손상, 피부 손상, 박테리아 감염등과 같은 다양한 모델을 이용하여 세포 손상에 수반되는 현상의 기전을 세포학적, 생화학적, 분자생물학적 방법을 이용하여 밝히고 있다. 또한 이를 통해 밝혀진 유전자 및 단백질을 조절하는 물질을 개발함으로써 발암, 세포사멸, 노화, 기관 손상, 박테리아 감염의 원인 및 치료 정보를 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구는 생명과학의 학문적 발전뿐만 아니라 인간 질병의 근본 원인 연구에 활용할 수 있으며 바이오 마커 개발을 통해 발암, 세포사멸, 노화, 기관 손상, 박테리아 감염의 효과적인 조기 진단과 통제가 가능해진다. 더 나아가 항암제, 항노화제, 신경퇴화 억제제, 피부 재생 촉진제, 항생제와 같은 신물질을 개발하는데 매우 중요한 정보를 제공할 수 있다.



loc_dot.gifKim YJ, Bahn MJ, Kim YH, Shin JY, Jeong SW, Ju BG, Kim WS, Yeo CY (2014) Xenopus laevis FGF receptor substrate 3 (XFrs3) is important for eye development and mediates Pax6 expression in lens placode through its Shp2-binding sites. Developmental Biology (online published).

loc_dot.gifLee JY, Choi HY, Na WH, Ju BG, Yune TY (2014) MMP-3 promotes early blood-spinal cord barrier disruption and hemorrhage and impairs long-term neurological recovery after spinal cord injury. The American Journal of Pathology 11, 2985-3000.

loc_dot.gifLee JY, Choi HY, Na WH, Ju BG*, Yune TY* (2014) Ghrelin inhibits BSCB disruption/hemorrhage by attenuating MMP-9 and SUR1/TrpM4 expression and activation after spinal cord injury. BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease 12, 2403-2412. (*; co-corresponding author)

loc_dot.gifLee JY, Maeng S, Kang SR, Choi HY, Oh TH, Ju BG, Yune TY (2014) Valproic acid protects motor neuron death by inhibiting oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated cytochrome C release after spinal cord injury. J Neurotrauma. 31:582-94.

loc_dot.gifLee K, Na W, Maeng JH, Wu H, Ju BG* (2013) Regulation of DU145 prostate cancer cell growth by Scm-like with four mbt domains 2. J Biosci. 38,105-12.

loc_dot.gifJu BG*, Shin JY, Kim WS (2013) Dedifferentiation-specific expression of MMP-9 and the effects of RA on its expression during salamander limb regeneration. Genes and Genomics 35,197-203.

loc_dot.gifShin JY, Lee S, Seo H, Kim S, Kim WS, Ju BG*, Lee JH* (2013) T-type Cav3.2 Ca2+ channel is predominantly expressed in Xenopus laevis testis and involved in the fertilization process. Genes and Genomics 35,501-9. (*; co-corresponding author)

loc_dot.gifNa J, Lee K, Kim HG, Shin JY, Na W, Jeong H, Lee JW, Cho S, Kim WS, Ju BG* (2012) Role of type II protein arginine methyltransferase 5 in the regulation of Circadian Per1 gene. PLoS One. 7, e48152.

loc_dot.gifLee E, Ju BG*, Kim WS* (2012) Endogenous retinoic acid mediates the early events in salamander limb regeneration. Animal Cells and Systems 16, 462-8.(*; co-corresponding author)

loc_dot.gifKim YH, Shin JY, Na W, Kim J, Ju BG*, Kim WS* (2012) Regulation of XFGF8 gene expression through SRY (sex-determining region Y)-box 2 in developing Xenopus embryos. Reprod Fertil Dev. 24, 769-77. (*; co-corresponding author)

loc_dot.gifLee K, Na W, Lee JY, Na J, Cho H, Wu H, Yune TY, Kim WS, Ju BG* (2012) Molecular mechanism of Jmjd3-mediated interleukin-6 gene regulation in endothelial cells underlying spinal cord injury. J Neurochem. 122, 272-82.

loc_dot.gifLee JY, Kim HS, Choi HY, Oh TH, Ju BG, Yune TY (2012) Valproic acid attenuates blood-spinal cord barrier disruption by inhibiting matrix metalloprotease-9 activity and improves functional recovery after spinal cord injury. J Neurochem. 121, 818-29.

loc_dot.gifLee J, Lee J, Ju BG (2011) Drosophila arf72A acts as an essential regulator of endoplasmic reticulum quality control and suppresses autosomal-dominant retinopathy. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 43,1392-401.

loc_dot.gifJu BG*, Kim WS (2010) Lysosomal acid phosphatase mediates dedifferentiation in the regenerating salamander limb. Animal Cells and Systems 14,73-81.

loc_dot.gifPark SK, Ju BG, Kim WS (2009) Msx-1 Acts as a Regulator for Blastema Growth. Genes and Genomics 31,457-66.

loc_dot.gifLin C, Yang L, Tanasa B, Hutt K, Ju BG, Ohgi K, Zhang J, Rose DW, Fu XD, Glass CK, Rosenfeld MG (2009) Nuclear receptor-induced chromosomal proximity and DNA breaks underlie specific translocations in cancer. Cell 139,1069-83.

loc_dot.gifCook PJ*, Ju BG*, Telese F, Wang X, Glass CK, Rosenfeld MG (2009) Tyrosine dephosphorylation of H2AX modulates apoptosis and survival decisions. Nature 458, 591-6. (*; co-first author)

loc_dot.gifKim YH, Ju BG, Kim Ws (2008) Expression Pattern of Zinc-Finger Transcription factor Sp8 during Xenopus laevis Development. Genes and Genomics 30, 549-53.

loc_dot.gifZhu X, Wang J, Ju BG, Rosenfeld MG.Signaling and epigenetic regulation of pituitary development. Curr Opin Cell Biol. (2007) 19: 605-611.

loc_dot.gifLunyak VV, Nunez E, Prefontaine G, Hutt K, Cramer T, Ju BG, Ohgi KA, Hutt K, Roy R, Garcia-Diaz A, Zhu X, Yung Y, Montoliu L, Glass CK, Fu X and Rosenfeld MG. Developmentally-regulated activation of a SINE B2 repeat as a domain insulator in organogenesis. Science (2007) 317:248-251.

loc_dot.gifGarcia-Bassets I, Kwon YS, Telese F, Prefontaine G, Hutt K, Cheng C, Ju BG, Wang J, Escoubet-Lozach L, Rose D, Glass CK, Fu X and Rosenfeld MG. Histone methylation-dependent mechanisms impose ligand dependency for gene activation by nuclear receptors. Cell (2007) 128:505-518.

loc_dot.gifJu BG and Rosenfeld MG. A Breaking Strategy for Topoisomerase IIβ/PARP-1-dependent Regulated transcription. Cell Cycle (2006) 5:2557-2560.

loc_dot.gifJu BG, Lunyak VV, Perissi V, Garcia-Bassets, Rose DW, Glass CK and Rosenfeld MG. A nucleosome-specific topoisomerase IIβ-dependent double stranded DNA break required for regulated programs of gene transcription. Science (2006) 312:1798-1802.

loc_dot.gifJu BG, Solum D, Song EJ, Lee KJ, Rose DW, Glass CK, and Rosenfeld MG. Activating the PARP1 sensor componenet of the groucho/TLE1 corepressor complex mediates a CaMKinase II-dependent neurogenic gene activation pathway. Cell (2004) 119: 815-829

loc_dot.gifOlson LE, Dasen JS, Ju BG, Tollkuhn J, and Rosenfeld MG. Paired-like repression/activation in pituitary development. Recent Progress in Hormone Research. 58: 249-261. (2003).

loc_dot.gifDasen JS, Barbera JP, Herman TS, Connell SO, Olson L, Ju BG, Tollkuhn J, Baek SH, Rose DW, Rosenfeld MG. Temporal regulation of a paired-like homeodomain repressor/TLE corepressor complex and a related activator is required for pituitary organogenesis. Genes & Dev. 15: 3193-3207. (2002)

loc_dot.gifJu BG, Jeong S, Bae E, Hyun S, Carroll SB, Yim Y, and Kim J. Fringe form a complex with Notch. Nature 405: 191-195. (2000).

loc_dot.gifJu BG, and Kim W. Protein synthesis pattern analysis in the regenerating salamander limb. Korean J. Biol. Sci. 4: 145-150. (2000).

loc_dot.gifJu BG, and Kim W. Cloning of a cDNA encoding cathepsin D from salamander, Hynobius leechii, and its expression in the limb regenerates. DNA Seq. 11; 21-28. (2000).

loc_dot.gifSeo KS, Park SK, Ju BG, Jeon SH and Kim W. Dedifferentiation correlates with the expression of lysosomal acid phosphatase in the limb regenerates of Mexican axolotl. Dev. Reprod. (Korean) 2: 53-62. (1998).

loc_dot.gifJu BG, and Kim S. Upregulation of cathepsin D expression in the dedifferentiating salamander limb regenerates and enhancement of its expression by retinoic acid. Wound Repair and Regeneration 6: 349-357. (1998).

loc_dot.gifJu BG, Park SY, Choi EY, and Kim W. Lysosomal acid phosphatase in the regenerating salamander limbs studied with monoclonal antibodies. Korean J. Zool. 39: 426-436. (1996).

loc_dot.gifJu BG, and Kim W. Pattern duplication by retinoic acid treatment in the regenerating limbs of Korean salamander larvae, Hynobius leechii, correlates well with the extent of dedifferentiation. Dev. Dyn. 199: 253-267. (1994).

loc_dot.gifJu BG and Kim W. Stage-dependent effects of retinoic acid on the regenerating salamander limbs of Korean salamander larvae, Hynobius leechii, at two amputation level. In; Limb Development and Regeneration (JF Fallon, PF Goentick and DL Stocum, eds). Wiley-Liss, New York. pp 749-758 (1993).

loc_dot.gifJu BG, Kim SH, Park SK, Han MJ, and Kim W. The effects of low pH, MMNG and retinoid treatment in the developing Xenopus and Korean newt larvae.Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens (Korean) 11-1: 43-61(1991).